Edgardo Ugalde

Instituto de Física
Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí
Av. Parque Chapultepec 1570
San Luis Potosí, S.L.P., 78295 México
Tel: [+52](444) 82623
00 ext 3115


B.S. in Mathematical Physics (1990) and M.S. in Physics (1992) by the Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí

D.E.A in Theoretical Physics (1993) and Ph.D. in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (1996) by the Université d’Aix-Marseille

Professor at the Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí since 1997.

Memeber of Dinámica Potosina research team, and Professor at the graduated programs of Applied Sciences and Interdisciplinary Sciences.

Scientific Interests

The Thermodynamic Formalism of Dynamical Systems, Symbolic Dynamics, Dynamics on Networks, Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Regulatory Dynamics, Segregation, and Modeling of Biological and Social Phenomena.

Scientific Publications

  1. J. A. Motilla-Chávez, E. Ugalde and E. Galán-Vásquez , "Social networks from dailies: the observer’s point of view", Applied Network Science 56 (22) (2024) 9:67

  2. A. España, X. Leoncini and E. Ugalde, "Paths towards synchronization: analytical treatment of completely connected networks", Journal of Physics A 56 (22) (2023) 225202

  3. L. A Corona, R. Salgado-García and E. Ugalde,, "On the Correspondence between Subshifts of Finite Type and Statistical Mechanics Models", Entropy 24 (12) (2022) 1772

  4. E. Floriani, R. Lima and E. Ugalde, "An elementary approach to subdiffusion", Stochastics and Dynamics 21 (7) (2021) 2150045

  5. J.-R- Chazottes, J. Moles, F. Redig and E. Ugalde, "Gaussian concentration and uniqueness of equilibrium states in lattice systems", Journal of Statistical Physics 181 (6) (2020) 2131-2149

  6. J.-R- Chazottes, J. Moles and E. Ugalde, "Gaussian Concentration bound for potentials satisfying Walters condition with subexponential continuity rates", Nonlinearity 33 (3) (2020) 1094-1117

  7. C. Maldonado, L. Trejo-Valencia and E. Ugalde, "Constant-Length Random Substitutions and Gibbs Measures", Journal of Statistical Physics 171(2) (2018) 269-287

  8. E. Catsigeras, P. Guiraud, A. Meyroneinc and E. Ugalde, "On the asymptotic properties of piecewise contracting maps" , Dynamical Systems 31 (2) (2016) 107-135.

  9. R. Salgado-García and E. Ugalde , Symbolic Complexity for Nucleotide Sequences: A Sign of the Genome Structure , Journal of Physics A 49 (2016) (44) ID 445601, 21 pages

  10. B. Luna, E. Galán-Vásquez, E. Ugalde and A. Martínez-Antonio, "Structural Comparison of Biological Networks Based on Dominant Vertices" , Molecular BioSystems 9 (2013) 1765-1773.

  11. L. Trejo-Valencia and E. Ugalde, "Projective distance and g-measures", Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B 20 (10) (2015) 3565-3579.

  12. J. Esquivel-Gómez, R. E. Balderas-Navarro, E. Ugalde and J. Acosta-Elías, "On the growth of directed complex networks with preferential attachement: Effect upon the prohibition of multiple links", International Journal of Modern Physics C 26 (6) (2015) 1550066 (12 pages)

  13. A. Aguilera and E. Ugalde , Entropía de grafos y su uso para medir la inteligibilidad de la ciudad, Estudios Geográficos 75 (227) (2014) 479-494

  14. A. Aguilera and E. Ugalde , "Graph entropy as tool for understanding complex urban networks. The case of Ensenada city, Mexico", International Journal of Society Systems Science 6 (1) (2014) 87-99.

  15. A. Espinoza-Valdez, F. C. Ordaz-Salazar, E. Ugalde and R. Femat, "Analysis of a Model for the Morphological Structure of Renal Arterial Tree: Fractal Structure" , Journal of Applied Mathematics 2013 (2013) Article ID 396486.

  16. R. Salgado-García and E. Ugalde , "Exact scaling in the expansion-modification system" , Journal of Statistical Physics 153 (5) (2013) 842-863.

  17. J.-R. Chazottes, J.-M. Gambaudo, H. Hochman and E. Ugalde , "On the finite-dimensional marginals of shift-invariant measures" , Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 32 (5) (2012) 1485-1500.

  18. R. Lima, A. Meyroneinc and E. Ugalde, "Dynamic modularity in discrete-time models of regulatory networks", Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 45 (5) (2012) 561-576.

  19. J.-R- Chazottes and E. Ugalde, "On the preservation of gibbsianness under amalgamation of symbols" , in Entropy of Hidden Markov Processes and Connections to Dynamical Systems, LMS Lecture Note 385 (2011) 72-97.

  20. J.-R. Chazottes, J.-M. Gambaudo and E. Ugalde , "Zero-temperature limit of one-dimensional Gibbs states via renormalization: the case of locally constant potentials", Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 31 (4) (2011) 1109-1161.

  21. B. Luna, E. Ugalde and A. Martínez-Antonio, "Regulatory dynamics of standard two-component systems in bacteria", Journal of Theoretical Biology 264 (2010) 560-569.

  22. G. Vilaclara, G. Martínez-Mekler, E. Cuna and E. Ugalde, "Diatom-inferred palaeoenviromental chages of Pliocene lake disturbed by volcanic activity", Journal of Paleolimnology 44 (2010) 203-215.

  23. B. Fernandez, B. Luna and E. Ugalde , "Spatial chaos of traveling waves has a given velocity", Physical Review E , 80 (2) 025203(R) (2009)

  24. E. Ugalde, G. Martínez-Mekler, and G. Vilaclara, "Scaling and extended scaling in sediment registers of a paleolake perturbed by volcanic activity", Physica A 366 (2006) 485-494.

  25. B. Luna and E. Ugalde , "Dominant Vertices in Regulatory Network Dynamics", Physica D, 237 (21) (2008) 2685-2695

  26. A. Cros, A. Morante, and E. Ugalde, "Regulatory dynamics on random networks: asymptotic periodicity and modularity", Nonlinearity 21 (3) (2008) 537-556.

  27. A. Aguilera and E. Ugalde, "A Spatially Extended Model for Residential Segregation", Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2007 (2007), Article ID 48589, 20 pages

  28. G. Martínez-Mekler, E. Ugalde, and G. Vilaclara, "Power spectrum crossover in sediments of a paleolake disturbed by volcanism", European Physical Journal, Special Topics 143 (2007) 217-222.

  29. E. Ugalde, "De la Mecánica Estadística a la Teoría Ergódica", Revista Mexicana de Física E 53 (2007) 191-194.

  30. R. Lima and E. Ugalde, "Dynamical complexity of discrete-time regulatory networks", Nonlinearity 19 (1) (2006) 237-259.

  31. G. Salazar, E. Ugalde and J. Urías, "Master-slave synchronization of cellular automaton pairs", Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 13 (2) (2005) 491-502.

  32. J.-R. Chazottes, L. Ramíez and E. Ugalde, "Finite type approximations to Gibbs measures on sofic subshifts", Nonlinearity 18 (1) (2005) 445-465.

  33. J.-R. Chazottes and E. Ugalde, "Entropy estimation and fluctuations of hitting and recurrence times for Gibbsian sources", Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems--Series B 5 (3) (2005) 565-586.

  34. V. Afraimovich, A. Morante and E. Ugalde, "On the density of directional entropy in lattice dynamical systems", Nonlinearity 17 (1) (2004) 105-116.

  35. V. Afraimovich, L. Ramírez and E. Ugalde, "Spectrum of dimensions for Poincaré recurrences for nonuniformly hyperbolic geometric constructions", Proceeding of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 72.1 (2004) 417-433.

  36. G. Salazar and E. Ugalde, "An Improved Bound for the Crossing Number of Cm x Cn: a Self Contained Proof Using Mostly Combinatorial Arguments", Graphs and Combinatorics 20 (2) (2004) 247-253.

  37. J.-R. Chazottes and E. Ugalde, "Projection of Markov measures may be Gibbsian", Journal of Statistical Physics 111 (5/6) (2003) 1245-1272.

  38. V. Afraimovich, J.-R. Chazottes and E. Ugalde, "Spectra of dimensions for Poincaré recurrences for special flows", Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 6 2 (2002), 269-285.

  39. B. Fernandez, E. Ugalde and J. Urías, "Spectrum of Dimensions for Poincaré Recurrences of Markov maps", Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 8 (4) (2002) 835-849.

  40. V. Afraimovich, E. Ugalde and J. Urías, "Poincaré recurrences for rhythmical dynamics", Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems 2 (2000) 53-67.

  41. E. Ugalde, "An alternative construction of normal numbers", Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 12 (2000) 165-177.

  42. V. Afraimovich, J. Schmeling, E. Ugalde J. Urías "Spectra of dimensions for Poincaré recurrences", Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 6 (4) (2000) 901-914.

  43. E. Ugalde, "A constructible set of normal numbers with positive measure", in Dynamical Systems: From cristal to chaos, Ed. J.-M. Gambaudo, P. Hubert, P. Tisseur and S. Vaienti. World Scientific (2000).

  44. G. Salazar, E. Ugalde and J. Urías, "Synchronization of cellular automaton pairs", Chaos 8 (4) (1998) 814--819.

  45. A. Enciso, G. Salazar, E. Ugalde and J. Urías, "Traveling Patterns in Cellular Automata", Chaos 6 (3) (1996) 493-503.

  46. E. Ugalde and J. Urías, "Symmetry Groups of Automata", Physica D 70 (1994) 178-184.

  47. R. Lima and E. Ugalde, "Dynamical lecture of statistical turbulence", Journal de Physique IV 8 (Pr6) (1998) 157-162.

  48. G. Salazar, E. Ugalde and J. Urías, "A cryptosystem based on cellular automata", Chaos 8 (4) (1998) 819-823.

  49. E. Ugalde , "Self-similarity and finite time intermittent effects in turbulent sequences", Journal of Physics A: Mathematics and General 29 (1996) 4425-4443.

  50. R. Lima and E. Ugalde, "On the Discrete Modelisation of Local Turbulence", Physica D 95 (1996) 144-157.


  1. V. Afraimovich, E. Ugalde and J. Urías, Fractal Dimensions for Poincaré Recurrences , Monograph Series on Nonlinear Sciences and Complexity Volume 2, Elsevier 2006.

  2. E. González-Aguilar and E. Ugalde (Editors), Nonlinear Dynamics: New Directions , Nonlinear Systems and Complexity Series Volumes 11 and 12, Springer Verlag 2015.

Students Supervision

Doctoral Students

  1. "Complexity as a mesure of paths to regularity". A. A. España. Doctor of Interdisciplinary Sciences UASLP, 2023.
    Co-advisor: X. Leoncini, Aix-Marseille Université.

  2. "Models of Statistical Mechanics in Symbolic Dynamics". L. A. Corona. Doctor in Sciences UAEMor, 2022.
    Co-advisor: R. Salgado-García, UAEMor.

  3. "On concentration inequalities for equilibrium states in lattice and symbolic dynamical systems". J. Moles. Doctor of Interdisciplinary Sciences UASLP, 2021.

  4. "Projective Distance and g-Measures". L. P. Trejo. Doctor of Applied Scineces UASLP, 2016.

  5. "Discrete-time Regulatory Networks". B. C. Luna. Doctor of Applied Science UASLP, 2009 .

  6. "Urban segregation phenomena: a cellular automata approach". A. Aguilera. Doctor of Applied Sciences UASLP, 2007.

  7. "Contributions to the study of symbolic systems". L. A. Ramírez. Doctor of Applied Sciences UASLP, 2005.
    Co-advisor: V. Afraimovich, IICO-UASLP.

Master's Students

  1. "On the complexity of boolean networks". E. A. Zuña. Master of Science (Physics) UASLP, 2019
    Co-advisor: J. Urías, UASLP

  2. "An agent-based model for social uprising". A. A. España . Master of Interdisciplinary Sciences UASLP 2018.
    Co-advisor: A. Aguilera, COLSAN

  3. "Spatio-Temporal modeling of urban growth and land-use changes by means of cellular automata". R. I. Gutiérrez. Master of Sciences (Mathematics) UANL 2017.
    Co-advisor: F. J. Almaguer, FCFM-UANL

  4. "Small World Phenomena in the Cn,φ Family of Graphs". A. Martínez. Master of Applied Sciences UASLP, 2016.

  5. "Pattern formation in a model of reaction-diffusion with precipitation". B. A. Ponce. Master of Applied Sciences UASLP, 2014.

  6. "Eulerian model for the agglomeration of spatially inhomogeneous colloidal systems". M. de A. Rodríguez. Master of Science (Physics) UASLP, 2013

  7. "Discrete-time quantum and classical random walks on graphs". M. A. Alvarado. Master of Science (Physics) UASLP, 2013.

  8. "Nullity of the topological entropy of some piecewise-affine contractive maps". R. Chavira. Master of Applied Sciences UASLP, 2010.

  9. "Study of the projective convergence of equilibrium measures on sysmbolic systems". C. A. Maldonado. Master of Applied Sciences UASLP, 2009.

  10. "Stable synchronization in coupled map networks with symmetries". B. C. Luna. Master of Applied Sciences UASLP, 2006.

  11. "Means' Equivalence without Ensembles' Equivalence". R. Moreno. Master of Applied Sciences UASLP, 2005.

  12. "Self-similarity and Self-organized Criticality in Zhang's Model". S. Cázares . Master of Applied Sciences UASLP, 2003.

  13. "Modeling the urban growth in marginal zones". E. Castillo. Master of Applied Sciences UASLP, 2003.
    Co-advisor: A. Aguilera, COLSAN.

  14. "Hausdorff dimension of sets generated by non-uniformily contractive maps". L. A. Ramírez. Master of Applied Sciences UASLP, 2002.
    Co-advisor: V. Afraimovich, IICO-UASLP.

  15. "Contributions to the Perron-Frobenius Theory". C. J. Rubio. Master of Applied Sciences UASLP, 2001.

  16. "Synchronization of cellular automaton pairs". J. G. Sánchez. Master of Applied Sciences UASLP, 1999.

  17. "Processing and transmission of fractal images". J. Rentería. Master of Applied Sciences UASLP, 1999.

e-mail: ugalde@ifisica.uaslp.mx
Updated, January