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29.- Fluorescence tuning of confined molecules in porous silicon mirrors.
G. Palestino, M.B. de la Mora, J.A. del Río, C. Gergely,  E. Pérez.
Applied Physics Letters 2007, 91 121909.


28.- Self-Assembled and Fluorescence Enhancement of Semiconductor Nanoparticles induced by Surfactant Adsorption
Mildred Quintana and Elías Pérez
Applied Surface Science 2007. 253, 5781-5784.


27.- Structure of polyelectrolyte complexes by Brownian dynamics simulation: effects of the bond length asymmetry of the polyelectrolytes
Miguel A. Trejo-Ramos, Ferdinando Tristán, J.-Luis Menchaca, Elías Pérez, and Martín Chávez-Páez,
J. Chem. Phys 2007, 126, 014901.


26.- Biosensing and protein fluorescence enhancement by functionalized porous silicon devices.
Gabriela Palestino, Vivechana Agarwal, Roger Aulombard, Elías Pérez and Csilla Gergely.
Langmuir, 2008, 24 (23), pp 13765–13771


25.- Nanostructured porous silicon microcavities for glucose oxidase detection.
Gabriela Palestino, René Legros, Vivechana Agarwal, Elías Pérez and Csilla Gergely.
Sensor and Actuators. 2008, 135, 27-34.


24.- Granular structure of self-assembled PAA/PAH and PSS/PAH nascent films imaged in situ by LC-AFM.
Ferdinando Tristan; Jorge Menchaca; Frederic Cuisinier; Elías Pérez
J Phys Chem B. 2008.6322-6330.


23.- Pattern formation by two precipitated species during solvent evaporation.
Gerardo Lara, Abigail Loredo-Osti, Ricardo Femat and Elías Pérez
Physical Review E 2008, 77, 036223.