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22.- Structure of polyelectrolyte complexes by Brownian dynamics simulation: effects of the bond length asymmetry of the polyelectrolytes
Miguel A. Trejo-Ramos, Ferdinando Tristán, J.-Luis Menchaca, Elías Pérez, and Martîn Chávez-Páez
Submited to J. Chem. Phys 2006.


21.- Nanotechnology applied to biological detection (in spanish)
Mildred Quintana, Gabriela Palestino, Héctor Flores, Elías Pérez
Submited to Ciencia 2006.


20.- Adsorption of proteins on self-assambled polyelectrolytes (in spanish)
Ferdinando Tristán, Elías Pérez
Submited to Colegio Nacional; Biofísica 2006.


19.- Coherent optical reflectance from a monolayer of large particles adsorbed on a glass surface
M.-C Peña-Gomar, F. Castillo, A. García-Valenzuela, R. G. Barrera, E. Pérez
Applied Optics. 2006. Vol. 45 (4), 626-632


18.- Nanoaggregates and Structure-Function Relations in Asphaltenes
G. Andreatta, C. C. Goncalves, G. Buffin, N. Bostrom, F. Arteaga-Larios, E. Pérez, O. C. Mullins
Energy & Fuels, 2005. 19 (4), 1282 -1289


17.- Glucose Oxidase Adsorption on Sequential Adsorbed Polyelectrolyte Films Studied by Spectroscopic Techniques
F. Tristán, A. Solís, G. Palestino, C. Gergely, F. Cuisinier, and E. Pérez
2nd Mexican Meeting on Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2005, 110-120


16.- Dispersant adsorption during Asphaltene Aggregation Studied by Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer
F. Arteaga, A. Cosultchi and E. Pérez
Energy & Fuel, 2005. 19, 477-484


15.- Polyelectrolyte Nanorings: Critical Parameters Governing Formation and Structural Analysis
H. Flores, J-L. Menchaca, F. Tristán, C. Gergely, E. Pérez and F. Cuisinierr
Macromolecules 2005. 38, 521-526


14.- Brownian motion of optically anisotropic particles in weak polymer gels
P. Díaz-Leyva, E. Pérez and J. L. Arauz-Lara
Revista Mexicana de Fisica 2004. 50 (6) 633-638


13.- Dynamic light scattering by optically anisotropic colloidal particles in polyacrylamide gels
P. Díaz-Leyva, Elías Pérez and J. L. Arauz-Lara
Journal of Chemical Physics 2004. 121, (18) 9103-9110


12.- Monitoring particle adsorption by laser reflectometry near the critical angle
M.-C Peña-Gomar, M. L. Gonzalez-Gonzalez, A. García-Valenzuela, J. Antó-Roca and E. Pérez,
Applied Optics 2004, Vol. 43 (32), 5963-5970


11.- Sphaltene Floculation, Precipitation and LiesegangRing
F. Arteaga-Larios, E. Y. Sheu, E. Pérez.
Energy & Fuels 2004, 18, 1324-1328


10.- Self-Assembled Polyelectrolyte Nano-rings Observed by Liquid-Cell AFM
J.-L. Menchaca, H. Flores, F. Cuisinier and E. Pérez
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2004, 16 S2109-S2117