Responsible: Dra. Vanesa Olivares Iliana

Undergraduate: Food engineer, UNAM

Doctorte: In Sciences, UNAM

Postdoctoral experience:

Dr. Armando Gómez Puyou, Cellular physiology institute, UNAM

Dra. Sylvie Nessler, Laboratoire d’Enzymologie et de Biochimie Structurales, Gif sur  Yvette 91198, CNRS, France.

Dr. Robin Fåhraeus. Institut de Genetique. Moleculaire Cibles Therapeutiques. INSERM UMRS 940.75010 Paris. France.

Laboratory interests

In our laboratory we are interested in comprehend the mechanisms that regulate the  biomolecular interactions inside the cell, the interactions between biomolecules are essential to guarantee the healthy development and function of the organism. If these interactions are blocked or deregulated by mutations or response failures to the ambient conditions, they lead to cellular malfunction and the consequent disease of the organism. We mainly study how post-translational modifications disturb the conformation of proteins causing alterations in the specificity and affinity in interactions. Our study model is formed by the interactions involved in the development of cancer P.53 is a tumor suppressor and the most important protective agent on the cell against cancer p.53 this mutation is more than half every human cancer, and the other half is deregulated. Due to its great importance for adequate cellular function, it is highly regulated. MDM2 and MDMX are its main regulators. MDM2 is considered a protein node due to its ability to interact with a large number of different macromolecules in the cell in addition to p53. Under normal cellular conditions MDM2 is a ubiquitin ligase, this means that it labels p53 for it to be degraded by the cell. When the cell is under stress then MDM2 helps to produce more p53 through an interaction with its messenger RNA, that is, it can be a negative regulator and also a positive regulator for p53. It also interacts with proteases, kinases, phosphatases and nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA. MDM2 is subjected to a multitude of post-translational modifications that could be helping it to perform the various functions it performs and how it can interact with the great variety of biomolecules. We want to understand how the function and interactions of MDM2 are regulated since it is involved in a great variety of human cancers and is an interesting target for drug design.

On the other side we are interested on the study of retinoblastoma, that is one of the main children neoplasia. Nowadays the diagnostic of retinoblastoma is mostly clinic and unfortunately in countries like ours its realized on advanced stages compromising the eye and the patients life. Without treatment, there is a 99% mortality rate, that´s why our principal goal for this treatment is to safe the child´s life. Recently, it has been seen a physical and functional  interaction between the retinoblastoma protein (RB) an the oncogenes (MDMX and MDM2.


  • Yolanda Rebolloso Gómez (Técnico académico)
  • Celina González Gallego
  • Ixaura Celeste Medina Medina (Estudiantes de Doctorado)
  • Jesús Hernández Monge
  • Adriana Berenice Rousset Román(Estudiantes de Doctorado)
  • Mayra Martínez Sánchez (Estudiantes de Doctorado)
  • Karla Lorena Salazar (Estudiantes de Licenciatura)
  • Ana María Peña Balderas (Estudiantes de Licenciatura)
  • Mariana Paloma Orozco (Estudiantes de Licenciatura)
  • Karla Fraga (Estudiantes de Licenciatura)
  • Griselda Rodríguez Correa (Estudiantes de Maestría)

Recent publications

  •    Hernández-Monge, Rousset-Roman, Medina-Medina and Olivares-Illana V*. (2016). Dual function of MDM2 and MDMX toward the tumor suppressors p53 and RB. Genes and Cancer. Sep;7(9-10):278-287.Medina-Medina I, García-Beltran P, de la Mora-de la Mora I, Oria-Hernández J, Millot G, Fahraeus R, Reyes-Vivas H, Sampedro JG, Olivares-Illana V*. (2016). Allosteric interactions by p53 mRNA governs HDM2 E3 ubiquitin ligase specificity under different conditions. Mol Cell Biol. 2016 Jul 29;36(16):2195-205.Anne-Sophie Tournillon, Ignacio Lopez, Laurence Malbert-Colas, Nadia Naski, Vanesa Olivares-Illana, Borek Vojtesek, Karin Nylander, Konstantinos Karakostis, Sarah Findakl and Robin Fahraeus.
  •    Fåhraeus R, Marin M, Olivares-Illana V*.
  •    Tournillon AS, Lopez-Ferreira I, Malbert-Colas I, Naski N, Olivares-Illana V* and Fåhraeus R. The alternative translated MDMXp60 isoform regulates MDM2 activity. ISSN:1538-4101 (Print), 1551-4005 (Online) Cell Cycle.14:3, 449-458, DOI: 10.4161/15384101.2014.977081.
  •    Malbert-Colas L, Ponnuswamy A, Olivares-Illana V, Tournillon A, Naski N and Fåhraeus R. (2014) HDMX folds the nascent p53 mRNA following activation by the ATM kinase. ISSN: 1097-2765.
  • Fåhraeus R, Olivares-Illana V*. (2014). MDM2's social network.ISSN: 0950-9232. Oncogene.33, 4365-4376.
  • Gruszczyk J1, Olivares-Illana V1, Nourikyan J, Fleurie A, Béchet E, Gueguen-Chaignon V, Freton C, Aumont-Nicaise M, Moréra S, Grangeasse C, Nessler S. (2013). Comparative Analysis of the Tyr-Kinases CapB1 and CapB2 Fused to Their Cognate Modulators CapA1 and CapA2 from Staphylococcus aureus. ISSN:1932-6203. PLoS One. 2013 Oct 11;8(10):e75958.
  • Gajjar M, Candeias M, Malbert-Colas L, Mazars A, Fujita J, Olivares-Illana V* and Fåhraeus R*. (2012). The p53 mRNA-Mdm2 interaction controls Mdm2 nuclear trafficking and is required for p53 activation following DNA damage. Cancer Cell.21, 25–35. ISSN: 1535-6108.


  • Vanesa Olivares-Illana.El guardián que cuida tu genoma. Universitarios Potosinos. Oct. 2014
  • Vanesa Olivares-Illana. Retinoblastoma. Universitarios Potosinos. Feb. 2015.
  • Vanesa Olivares-Illana. Mujeres en la Ciencia. Universitarios Potosinos. Marzo 2016

Books chapters

  • Vanesa Olivares-Illana, Rodrigo Arreola, Armando Gómez-Puyou and Ruy Pérez Montfort. (2008). Proteins and drug discovery (development) en: Enrique García Hernández and D. Alejandro Fernández-Velasco Advances in Protein Physical Chemistry, ISBN: 978-81-7895-324-3


  • Vanesa Olivares Illana, C. Olvera, A. López-Munguía. Enzyme catalyzing production of an inulin polymer comprises saccharose induced transfer of fructose residue to a growing chain of interlinked fructose residues. MX2003005781-A101 Feb 2005 and MX288966-B 26 Jul 2011. International Patent Classification: C12N-009/10.

Recent participations as speakers on academic events  

  • Vanesa Olivares Illana. Regulando al supresor tumoral p53. Construyendo el futuro: Encuentros de Ciencia. AMC, COPOCYT. 14 al 16 de Noviembre 2016. San Luis Potosí, SLP.
  • Vanesa Olivares Illana. Regulando al supresor tumoral p53. 1er foro de Investigación Interinstitucional IPICYT, COPOCYT, CUCA-UASLP: La Ciencia de materiales aplicada a la salud y el medio ambiente. 8 y 9 de Septiembre 2016. San Luis Potosí, SLP.
  • Vanesa Olivares Illana and Ixaura Medina. MDM2 functions are regulated by inter and intra molecular interactions. Gordon Researche Conference: Translation Machinery in Health & Disease. Ventura Ca, USA. 22-27 feb 2015.
  • Vanesa Olivares Illana. Interacciones Biomoleculares. XLVII Curso Anual Teórico-Práctico de Genética Humana. 29 de junio al 3 de julio 2015. Ciudad Universitaria, México, DF.
  • Vanesa Olivares Illana. MDM2 interactome: effect of post-translational modifications in substrate specificity. 27th International Conference on Science and Technology of Complex Fluids. June 22-26, 2015. San Luis Potosí, México.
  • Vanesa Olivares Illana, Rebolloso-Gómez, Álvarez-Fuentes and Medina-Medina. Sobre-expresión y purificación del dominio RING de MDM2 para la producción de anticuerpos policlonales. Congreso de la Red Temática de Materia Condensada Blanda. SLP, 27-30 Nov 2014.
  • Vanesa Olivares Illana. p53 y sus reguladores MDM2 y MDMX. IV Congreso de la Rama de Transducción de Señales de la Sociedad Mexicana de Bioquímica. San Luis Potosí, México. 10 al 13 de Noviembre 2013.
  • Vanesa Olivares Illana. Estudio de la Interacción entre el oncogen MDM2 y el mRNA de p53. XXIX Congreso Nacional de Bioquímica. Oaxaca, México. 11 al 17 de Noviembre 2012.
  • Vanesa Olivares Illana.Candeias M, Malbert-Colas L, Gajjar M, Fåhraeus R.Biochemical and structural characterisation of the mRNAp53-MDM2 interaction. 3rd joint meeting on the role of p53, MDM2, AGR2/3 and ubiquitin/chaperone system in tumour biology and 1st RECAMO joint meeting. Brno, Czech Republic. September 27th – 29th, 2010.

   Academic distinctions

  • Fondo de Investigación Pfizer. Ciencia Básica, 2014.
  • Beca para las Mujeres en la Ciencia L´Oreal-UNESCO-AMC, 2013.
  • Perfil promep vigente.
  • Miembro del SNI: nivel 1