Publications citing Publication NA62:2023nhs

NA62 Collaboration, Cortina Gil, Eduardo and others: Search for leptonic decays of the dark photon at NA62. (2023) arXiv:2312.12055 [hep-ex].

3 Citations

  1. NA62 Collaboration, Rosa, Ilaria and others: Physics Beyond the Standard Model with the NA62 experiment at CERN. PoS TAUP2023 040 (2024).

  2. NA62, NA64 Collaboration, Duk, Viacheslav and Kirsanov, Mikhail: Search for Dark Matter at NA62 and NA64 experiments. PoS LHCP2023 178 (2024).

  3. Dobrich, Babette: Exotic particle searches at beam-dumps \textendash dos and don\textquoterightts. PoS WIFAI2023 012 (2024).
