Publications citing Publication Meadows:1995kw

Meadows, J. T. and Anderson, J. T. and Cooper, P. S. and Engelfried, J. and Franzen, J. W. and Forster, Robert G. and Levinson, F. and Rawls, J. and Haber, S.: FOCEX: A Fiber optic cable extender for a high speed parallel RS485 data cable. In: Proceedings of 9th Conference on Real-Time Computer Applications in Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics (RT 95) . (1995)

3 Citations

  1. White, C. G and others: Upgraded DAQ system for the HyperCP experiment. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 474 67–85 (2001).

  2. Chen, Y. C. and others: A high-throughput data acquisition system for the HyperCP experiment. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 455 424–432 (2000).

  3. E-871 Collaboration, Kaplan, D. M. and others: The HyperCP data acquisition system. In: Proceedings of 6th LeCroy Conference on Electronics for Particle Physics . (1997)
