Publications citing Publication Engelfried:2012bdf

Engelfried, Jürgen: Particle identification. In: Handbook of particle detection and imaging, vol. 1 and vol.2 (Eds. Grupen, Claus and Buvat, Irene). 125–137 (2012).

3 Citations

  1. Lieret, Kilian: Calibration of machine learning based hadronic tagging in preparation for a $V_{cb}$ measurement and clustering of kinematic distributions. PhD Thesis, Munich U.. (2022).

  2. Frühwirth, Rudolf and Strandlie, Are: Pattern Recognition, Tracking and Vertex Reconstruction in Particle Detectors. Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-65770-3, 978-3-030-65771-0) (2020).

  3. Ratcliff, Blair and Schwiening, Jochen: Cherenkov counters. In: Handbook of particle detection and imaging, vol. 1 and vol.2 (Eds. Grupen, Claus and Buvat, Irene). 453–471 (2012).
