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PhD Program (Material Science)

My project is based on the application of Gold nanoparticles to the photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants in aqueous solution. The photocatalysis process is carried out when a semiconductor absorbs light and generates active species at the surface that promotes the oxidation and mineralization of the organic compounds present in the solution to CO2. Modified semiconductors with noble metal nanoparticles have been of great importance to improve the photocatalytic efficiency of the process, it can present several effects: to reduce the recombination effect hole-electron, to displace the absorption of light to the visible region which makes possible the use of these materials under solar energy, and also it can modify the properties at the surface of the photocatalyst.
 It is known that the deposition method of these particles leads to different sizes and contact structure between the particle and the substrate, so we are studying different types of synthesis in order to evaluate their activity based on the size and structure. We are working on the physical characterization of these materials and  evaluating their photocatalytic activity.


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Socooro Oros.